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Great Resignation - activpayroll

Written by activpayroll | Nov 10, 2022 12:00:00 AM

Attracting and Retaining talent in a 21st Century workplace by Kirsten Wright Head of Global HR Solutions

The Great Resignation has been a highly topical issue in recent times, and it is still very much to the forefront of HR professionals’ minds, despite the outlook on the economy.

In today’s post pandemic world, the pillars of 9 to 5 office working are deteriorating, with employees no longer willing to sacrifice quite as much of their lives for work as generations before them were. People have changed their view of work, with a greater emphasis on working to live and they are subsequently placing more value on a happy fulfilling life. Interestingly this pattern is not confined to the UK but in fact businesses all over the world are experiencing the same issue.

While a recent study stated that 60% of the respondents were not likely to quit in the next 3 to 6 months, I’m not sure we can breathe a sigh of relief yet. The same study also highlights that 65% confirmed that their primary reason for staying in their jobs is that they like where they live. This undoubtably will change with the rise in remote working and will inevitably play a role in the future of attracting and retaining talent.

Businesses should be focusing on creating a formula to attract and retain the best talent as a one size fits all approach will no longer thrive in this new world of work. Our 21st Century workplace must combine flexibility, integrity, and culture with the right talent and, now more than ever, the satisfaction and wellbeing of employees is a critical component to success. Those businesses who fail to adapt and listen to their people will have trouble in attracting any talent in the future.

It’s time to disrupt the status quo and build new ways to connect and manage our talent, to offer them an environment where they can thrive, without sacrificing their work life balance. Changes to remote and hybrid working policies, as well as taking a pulse check on engagement, will help initially but those who listen to their people and recognize the individuality of each person and provide truly flexible work environments and benefits will be the key to attracting and retaining top talent.

In this new Global working environment HR professionals now have a much bigger task on their hands than ever. As well as ensuring that there are flexible and adaptable solutions for employees and that the technology exists to do this successfully, they now need to consider these solutions across different countries. This will require a deep understanding of local cultures, politics, and languages.

At activpayroll we like to stay ahead of the curve and our Global HR Solution acts as a harmonious extension to your in-house team, providing you with expert country specific guidance and support when you need it.

In short, we can help you adapt to the new reality of work life balance in the 21st Century, wherever and whenever you need it!

You can visit our Global HR Services page for more information