LivePerson Case Study

How LivePerson Achieved Compliance, Efficiency, and Cost Savings with activpayroll

Witnessing the seamless integration with UKG and improved data accuracy
EMEA, APAC, Americas
Payroll, International Payments, Mobility
600+ employees
13 countries
UKG integration


Kristin Morvay, Director, Global Payroll at LivePerson has been working at LivePerson for six years, initially hired to clean up and streamline their non-existent payroll processes. LivePerson, a public company under SOX compliance requirements, needed to align its payroll system with compliance standards across different countries. Kristin's role was to ensure the payroll processes adhered to audit requirements and were efficient and effective from a global perspective. Initially, LivePerson used Celergo for payroll, but their acquisition by ADP prompted Kristin to look for a better solution.

When Kristin joined LivePerson, she was met with a broken and untenable payroll process. The existing payroll processes were disorganised and inefficient, with no clear guidelines or structures in place. LivePerson's expansion into multiple countries further complicated the matter, as it introduced additional currencies and compliance requirements. Kristin's extensive experience with payroll and processes made her the perfect candidate to tackle these challenges.

Kristin's first step was to assess the current state of the payroll process and identify areas that needed improvement. She quickly realised that LivePerson's payroll processes were not only inefficient but also posed significant compliance risks. The lack of standardised procedures and controls made it difficult to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of payroll processing. Kristin knew that she needed to overhaul the entire process to bring it up to compliance standards and improve its efficiency.


The acquisition of Celergo by ADP created significant challenges for Kristin and her team. ADP's system was not user-friendly, and its business model did not align with LivePerson’s needs. The time zone differences between the account managers in Chicago and the payroll operations in Singapore exacerbated communication issues. Furthermore, ADP's inability to maintain a connection with UKG, LivePerson’s main HRIS system, would cause significant manual effort. These complications promised inefficiencies and potential compliance risks, prompting Kristin to seek a more reliable and integrated payroll solution.

One of the main issues Kristin faced was the lack of support from ADP. As a large conglomerate, ADP did not prioritise individual customer needs, treating clients as numbers rather than partners. This impersonal approach resulted in poor customer support and a lack of responsiveness to LivePerson's specific requirements. Kristin found herself constantly battling with ADP's system and struggling to get the necessary support to resolve issues.

The time zone differences added another layer of complexity. With LivePerson's payroll operations spread across different regions, including Singapore and the United States, effective communication was crucial. However, having account managers based in Chicago, which was 12 hours behind Singapore, made it challenging to coordinate and address issues promptly. This misalignment in time zones led to delays in resolving problems and further disrupted the payroll process.

Additionally, the inability of ADP to maintain a seamless connection with UKG, LivePerson's HRIS system, created data integration issues. UKG was critical for managing employee information and ensuring accurate payroll processing. The lack of integration between ADP and UKG resulted in additional manual effort, data discrepancies and increased the risk of errors. Kristin realised that these complications were not only affecting the efficiency of payroll operations but also jeopardising compliance with regulatory requirements.

Turning point: The transition to activpayroll

The turning point came when Kristin met with representatives from activpayroll at a UKG conference. Alison, from activpayroll, convinced Kristin of the potential benefits of switching to their services. Kristin conducted a thorough analysis and discovered that activpayroll could offer cost savings and comprehensive support for their global payroll needs. She was particularly impressed with activpayroll’s willingness to handle everything as if they were her in-house specialists, including the necessary training and support. This proactive approach and the seamless integration with UKG convinced Kristin that activpayroll was the right choice for LivePerson.

During the conference, Kristin had the opportunity to interact with other companies that had successfully implemented activpayroll's services. Hearing their positive experiences and the benefits they had achieved reinforced her belief that activpayroll was the solution LivePerson needed. She appreciated the personal touch and commitment that activpayroll offered, something that was sorely lacking with ADP.

Kristin's analysis revealed several key advantages of switching to activpayroll. Firstly, activpayroll's system was user-friendly and intuitive, making it easy for her team to navigate and manage payroll processes efficiently. The comprehensive training and support provided by activpayroll ensured that her team was well-equipped to handle any challenges that might arise. This proactive approach was in stark contrast to ADP's impersonal and unresponsive customer support.

Secondly, the cost savings offered by activpayroll were significant. Kristin's analysis showed that LivePerson could reduce payroll processing costs by a considerable margin. This financial benefit, coupled with the improved efficiency and accuracy of payroll operations, made activpayroll an attractive option.

The seamless integration with UKG was a real game-changer. activpayroll's ability to maintain a robust connection with UKG ensured that employee data was accurately transferred and synchronised between the two systems. This integration eliminated data discrepancies and reduced the risk of errors, enhancing the overall reliability of payroll processing.

Kristin was particularly impressed with activpayroll's commitment to treating LivePerson as a partner rather than just another customer. The personalised support and tailored solutions provided by activpayroll gave her the confidence that LivePerson's payroll processes would be in good hands. With activpayroll, Kristin felt assured that her team would receive the necessary guidance and support to navigate the complexities of global payroll management.

Resolution: Outcomes and impact

The transition to activpayroll was challenging but ultimately successful. Kristin and her team uncovered several compliance issues during the implementation, which activpayroll helped resolve. The new system allowed LivePerson to manage payroll for 600 employees across 13 countries with multiple currencies. The integration with UKG ensured seamless data transfer, improving accuracy and timeliness in payroll processing. activpayroll's support and proactive approach helped LivePerson achieve better organisation, discipline, and compliance. The partnership resulted in significant improvements in payroll processes, making them more efficient and aligned with global standards. Kristin's expertise and activpayroll's capabilities transformed LivePerson’s payroll process, ensuring accurate and timely payments for their employees.

The implementation process was meticulously planned and executed. Kristin collaborated closely with activpayroll's team to address the unique challenges and requirements of LivePerson's payroll operations. Weekly status calls and regular reviews of data ensured that any issues were promptly identified and resolved. This collaborative approach built a strong partnership between LivePerson and activpayroll, fostering trust and mutual respect.

One of the significant compliance issues uncovered during the implementation was under-taxation in Germany. activpayroll's proactive support was invaluable in resolving this issue. They worked closely with Kristin and her team to communicate the necessary adjustments to employees and ensure accurate data setup. This level of support and expertise was a stark contrast to the experience with ADP, where Kristin often felt unsupported and left to handle issues on her own.

With activpayroll, LivePerson's payroll processes became more streamlined and efficient. The new system provided comprehensive capabilities that were previously lacking. For instance, the ability to reset passwords, retrieve pay slips, and generate year-end forms without relying on multiple systems significantly improved the user experience. Employees could access their pay slips in both UKG and activpayroll, with the latter providing a cleaner and legislatively accurate format.

The integration between UKG and activpayroll was seamless, ensuring accurate and timely data transfer. This integration eliminated the need for manual data entry and reduced the risk of errors. Kristin's team could now focus on more strategic tasks rather than getting bogged down by administrative work.

Kristin's structured approach to payroll processing, combined with activpayroll's capabilities, resulted in significant improvements in accuracy and compliance. The end-to-end process ensured that pre-reports were run, necessary information was gathered, and the payroll was presented to the provider accurately. Post-payroll processes involved thorough reconciliation to ensure everything matched, with any discrepancies investigated promptly.

One of the notable improvements was in the journal entry process. What used to take three hours now took about an hour, thanks to activpayroll's streamlined system. This efficiency freed up valuable time for Kristin and her team to focus on more strategic initiatives.

The partnership with activpayroll also brought significant cost savings. Kristin's initial analysis had identified potential cost reductions, which were realised after the implementation. These savings, coupled with the improved efficiency and accuracy of payroll processes, contributed to LivePerson's overall financial health.

Internally, the transition to activpayroll was met with minimal resistance. Kristin's payroll expertise and the demonstrated benefits of the new system convinced her boss and the Chief Accounting Officer of the value of the switch. The only significant challenge was obtaining data from Celergo ADP, which delayed the implementation in Japan and the UK. However, this issue only reinforced Kristin's belief that switching to activpayroll was the right decision.

activpayroll's proactive support and comprehensive training were instrumental in ensuring a smooth transition. The team in Edinburgh provided invaluable assistance during the one-week onsite kick-off. Kristin brought her HRIS owner along, and together they worked closely with activpayroll's implementation team. The structured and organised meetings provided clear expectations and a roadmap for success.

The weekly tracking meetings were particularly beneficial, ensuring that any issues were promptly addressed and resolved. This level of organisation and support was a significant improvement over the experience with ADP, where Kristin often felt left to navigate challenges on her own.

Now that LivePerson uses activpayroll regularly, they have capabilities they didn't have before. The ability to reset passwords, retrieve pay slips, and generate year-end forms without relying on multiple systems has streamlined processes significantly. This improvement has enhanced the overall user experience and made payroll management more efficient.

The impact of the transition to activpayroll is evident in the improved alignment, accuracy, and responsiveness of LivePerson's payroll processes. The partnership with activpayroll has been a game-changer, providing the support and tools needed to manage global payroll effectively. Kristin's expertise, combined with activpayroll's capabilities, has transformed LivePerson’s payroll system, ensuring accurate and timely payments for employees and enhancing overall efficiency.

“activpayroll's proactive support was invaluable...The full end-to-end process has made my life more efficient. They structured reports how I wanted to see them, which fit my audit controls.”
- Kristin Morvay, Director of Global Payroll, LivePerson

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