African Wildlife Foundation Case Study

African Wildlife Foundation Case Study

Seamless UKG Pro and activpayroll integration
UKG integration
1 country
1000+ payslips a year

The business

The African Wildlife Foundation (AWF) is the leading international conservation organisation focused exclusively on Africa's wildlife and wild lands. AWF's programs and conservation strategies are designed to protect the wildlife and wild lands of Africa and ensure a more sustainable future for Africa's people. The African Wildlife Foundation is committed to empowering African leaders to be at the forefront of conservation efforts, ensuring a thriving Africa for future generations.


Prior to partnering with activpayroll and UKG, the African Wildlife Foundation was facing labour-intensive and, in some countries, manual processes for their global payroll and HR functions. From a global payroll perspective, most of the payroll was done internally, which lead to inefficiencies, technological challenges and for certain countries of operation, AWF was utilising individual payroll providers which resulted in high costs and presented administrative challenges. From an HR point of view, AWF’s process for managing employees’ information was very outdated, relying on spreadsheets, cloud storage and different systems for different HR functions. These intricacies made the African Wildlife Foundation HR and Accounting teams’ efforts challenging and overall, did not meet the needs of the business.

activpayroll solutions

Since partnering with activpayroll and UKG, the African Wildlife Foundation is now benefitting from activpayroll’s expertise, delivering global payroll services in their growing locations and utilising the seamless UKG Pro integration as their HRIS, enabling them to consolidate all HR functions including: timekeeping, recruiting, onboarding, housing of employee data, performance reviews and payroll in the US. For the first time, AWF has one cohesive solution which adds efficiency, much-needed automation and is giving time back to the AWF HR team to focus on their people.


The activpayroll and UKG Pro integration has replaced all manual processes the African Wildlife Foundation was previously undergoing with global payroll and HR functions, ensuring that employees have a positive and straightforward experience when accessing their data and giving the HR department greater confidence in managing the employee life-cycle. The cost savings and time given back to the AWF’s global HR teams now allows them to be more productive, accurate and focus on growth and business priorities.

Replacement of all manual processes
Annual cost savings
“Having those experts on-board, breaking everything down for us was really invaluable. Merit where merit is due, it’s been such a positive experience!”
- Human Resource Manager, African Wildlife Foundation

Learn more about our services


Global Payroll

Navigating the complexities of diverse regulations, multiple data streams, and compliance often feels like an uphill battle, with lack of clarity. We partner with you and your business to make sense of global payroll and payment complexity.

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Global Mobility

Ensuring the ease of moving your people globally is essential for business growth, but often complexities of laws, tax, and legislation can halt growth in its tracks. Make the movement of your people seamless with our global mobility services.

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Global HR

Ensure that the people who make your business what it is today are protected, engaged and incentivised with our global HR services.

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